Our languages

At Just we understand the importance of clear and effective communication across different languages. Especially for those who have mental ill health and may struggle to communicate to professionals appointing diagnosis and treatment.

We offer commonly used languages tailored to meet your communication with professionals needs.

Face-to-Face Calls/Meetings
Whether it's a clinical meeting or consultation, interpreters with an understanding of mental ill health and the need to communicate accurately are available to facilitate communication in real-time.

Documentation Translations
We can provide accurate and reliable translations ensuring that your written content is clear and precise in the target language.

For those whose first language is not English, we have developed a database of languages used by our staff and external translators. This enables us to offer translations that fit with the specific requirements of your care and support.

If you need our language services and are living in one of our services, please email: info@just.org.uk to discuss your specific needs or ring 020 7938 2004 with your keyworker.

We look forward to assisting you with language solutions, tailored for those who experience mental ill health.

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